
FinTech Rocks! oenpay has launched a new event series for the local FinTech community


The event series for FinTechs aims to provide a stage for success stories, but also focuses on the obstacles to be removed in order to promote innovation in the ecosystem.


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Impressions from our kick-off event FinTech Rocks! on 26th June 2024.

FinTech Rocks! is the new event series organized by oenpay together with the FinTech community. With the events, we pursue the goal of specifically strengthening the FinTech ecosystem in Austria and contributing to networking and collaboration. FinTech Rocks! offers FinTechs in Austria a stage to present their success stories. The events also critically discuss which obstacles need to be removed in order to promote innovation in Austria.

The event series is primarily aimed at founders and startups which are active in Austria, as well as banks, investors, research institutions, payment service providers and everyone who is interested in the topic of FinTech.

A successful kick-off event

The very first kick-off event of the FinTech Rocks! series took place on June 26, 2024. It’s focus: the success factors most important for fintechs and startups in Austria.

In the scope of a panel discussion, moderator Paul Wessely, Senior Innovation Manager at oenpay, investigated the key factors for fintechs and startups together with the top-class panel – Philipp Bohrn from Bitpanda, Alexander Eisl from FINcredible, Kambis Kohansal Vajargah from the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Adrian Zettl from AustrianStartups, Johannes Sarx from Austria Wirtschaftsservice und Christian Wolf, Raiffeisen Bank International AG – and interested event participants.

The result:

  1. Innovative solutions: offering unique, customer-centric, and user-friendly financial solutions that address real pain points can set a startup apart from the competition.
  2. A good team: building a qualified and motivated team with expertise in finance and technology can move the company forward.
  3. Financing: ensuring adequate funding and prudent budget management of finances are critical to growth and sustainability.
  4. Strong partnerships: collaborations with established financial institutions, technology providers and other stakeholders can provide valuable resources, credibility and market access.
  5. Agility: FinTechs must be able to react quickly to changes in the market, adapt new trends and technologies in order to scale operations efficiently.
  6. Regulatory compliance: FinTechs must ensure they comply with all relevant laws and policies to avoid legal issues and gain trust.
  7. Security: given the sensitivity of financial data, robust cybersecurity measures and transparent practices are critical to building and maintaining customer trust.

FinTech Rocks! is planned as a long-term events initiative set out to take place quarterly in the future. The next event is expected to take place in September.

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