
“do-gether”- a new app that brings people together! An interview with the young founder Thomas Nayer


With do-gether, Thomas Nayer has created a network that easily connects those seeking help and those helping. He wants to offer a quick help in the digital age to promote social cohesion, because as Thomas says: “Things are simply better together!”

©Isabella Joech Photography

An interview with Thomas Nayer

I do believe that many people of my generation feel an inner drive to change the world positively. Since I was able to be part of a number of programs last year that aim to introduce young people to entrepreneurship, I know that there is a desire for change, especially in areas such as the environment, equality and education. Unfortunately, there are far fewer people who actually implement the idea, be it because of a lack of money, know-how or time.

Over the last year, I’ve been able to learn and experience a lot of new things while developing my idea. It started with the founding of my GmbH, the development of a business plan together with oenpay, appointments with my partners from Ahoi Kapptn! for programming my app and this continues to this day. In the last few months I have also been working on a marketing strategy. This was and is really learning by doing, a very interesting and exciting process.

I had the idea because I realized that I wasn’t equal to other people and that other people could easily help with many things, but I didn’t have the network. I also noticed that many people often need a little quick help, but there is no network for that. Nowadays, we need to come closer together again and help each other.

  1. Pursue a good idea and don’t let yourself be talked out of it (it depends on the implementation)
  2. Talk to as many people as possible about this idea
  3. Build a network
  4. Accept and incorporate good feedback
  5. Use opportunities in your own environment and dare to deviate from the model founding story – because no story is told twice.

Actually, you can’t talk about difficult aspects, because of course there were always ups and downs, but they exist everywhere. The important thing is to stick with it, keep your nerve when faced with difficulties and look for solutions. You should be aware that everything will probably not always be perfect at the beginning and that you may have to make improvements later, but that is no reason to lose your nerves and give up everything. Stay tuned and carry on is my motto!

Über do-gether:

do-gether, founded by Thomas Nayer, 21 years old and wheelchair user, wants to bring the term help into the digital age and be a platform for all kinds of assistance. With a user-friendly app, a simple payment system and a focus on safety and above all community, do-gether strives to change the way people can help each other quickly and easily.

You can download the app here for free!

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